#Culture – Places to Visit

#Culture – Places to Visit (35)
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Sites à visiter

04 74 36 97 60

Bonnet Silk Factories

Discover the fascinating history of the hub of Lyon’s silk i...

from 9 €
04 69 19 11 50

Copper Factory of Cerdon

The copper factory of Cerdon is a famous international heritage in...

from 9 €
04 74 81 96 82

Musée du Peigne et de la Plasturgie

Come along and discover the history of plastics - their uses, how...

04 74 75 07 50

Musée de la Résistance et de la Déportation de l’Ain

Housed in a 19th-century prison, the Museum of Resistance and...

from 7 €
04 79 87 52 23

Musée départemental du Bugey-Valromey

Discover the different faces of Bugey and gain an insight into the...

04 74 51 32 42

Musée du Revermont

At the foot of the foothills of the Jura, in the heart of the...

03 85 51 45 65

Musée Antoine Chintreuil

Founded in 1866 by a group of local notables, this museum is...

from 4 €