#Culture – Places to Visit

#Culture – Places to Visit (35)
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Sites à visiter

04 69 19 11 50

Copper Factory of Cerdon

The copper factory of Cerdon is a famous international heritage in...

from 9 €
04 74 36 97 60

Bonnet Silk Factories

Discover the fascinating history of the hub of Lyon’s silk i...

from 9 €
04 74 81 96 82

Musée du Peigne et de la Plasturgie

Come along and discover the history of plastics - their uses, how...

04 74 00 36 32

Musée “Trévoux et ses Trésors”

from 6 €
04 74 08 10 76

Musée de cire, La vie du Saint Curé d’Ars

from 7 €
04 74 51 32 42

Musée du Revermont

At the foot of the foothills of the Jura, in the heart of the...

04 79 87 52 23

Musée départemental du Bugey-Valromey

Discover the different faces of Bugey and gain an insight into the...