#Ain Mills in Bresse and Bugey

#Ain Mills in Bresse and Bugey (16)
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Sites à visiter

04 74 22 49 40

Moulin Morel

04 74 66 11 97

Ruines du Moulin à huile

Located in the Verne wood near the Crozet mill, this oil mill...

04 74 67 20 68

Moulin Neuf

Restored by the owner between 1995 and 2000 and installed on the...

04 74 52 90 68

Moulin de Tillet

09 75 28 27 72

Passage du Moulin

04 74 52 90 68

Moulin de la Galope

04 74 30 71 46

Moulin de Servignat