#Culture – Things to Do

#Culture – Things to Do (60)
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06 30 69 92 00

Tous Land Artistes

06 80 56 08 74

Discover working with clay with Caroline Blanc.

Caroline is offering introductory clay workshops and throwing...

Visite de Dinoplagne pour les groupes scolaires et centres de loisirs

04 79 81 29 06

Special guided tour Brillat-Savarin

All year round, the Tourist Office offers a special...

from 10 €
04 79 81 26 56

French language workshop

French language workshopOpen for everyone.

07 61 46 05 36

Scintiller au fil des saisons : introduction to knife carving and sale of carved wooden objects

Lisa welcomes you to her workshop for an introduction to carving...

from 40 €
06 13 62 59 08

Cutlery course at the Forge du Bovar

Florian Bornarel is an artisan cutler who specialises in making...