#Ain Highlights

#Ain Highlights (37)
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04 50 48 48 68

The Pertes de la Valserine – labyrinth of canyons

The Pertes de la Valserine canyon was shaped by the pristine...

04 74 22 49 40

Revermont and River Ain

Standing proud over Bresse, the region of Revermont covers the...

04 74 81 96 82

Musée du Peigne et de la Plasturgie

Come along and discover the history of plastics - their uses, how...

The Dombes – Land of a Thousand Meres

A reflection of the Sologne region, the Dombes has over 1,100...

04 74 12 11 57

Lac de Sylans

Today, a paradise for pike anglers; on its banks, you can see the...

03 85 30 30 02

La voie bleue

From the port of Pont-de-Vaux, take the canal-side path for a...

03 85 33 03 34

Maison de l’eau et de la nature

Home of water and nature: A place to enjoy yourself whilst...

from 4 €